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All in Red

A Symbol of Love and Pride

When you think of love, you probably think of images of red hearts and flowers. Red also represents the enthusiastic and unrestrained courage that is within all of us. Surround your home with sculptures in stunning red and fill yourself with a sense of pride.

Floating in the Waves of Your Home

In Ambience

Always Rise at the Break of Day

Do you have trouble waking up on time? The rooster has long been regarded for its punctuality and diligence. If you have a hard time sticking to your schedule, this rooster is sure to motivate you to awaken every morning to conquer the day. 

An Adorable New Friend

This little bull is a force of cuteness to be reckoned with. Don’t let his size or horns scare you; Billy is as gentle as they come and will make an excellent addition to your home. The best part? He won't track in any mud because he has no hooves!  

Set Your Spirits Free!

If you never had a pony when you were younger, here’s your chance! Our Lucky pony is perfect for every youngster, no matter how old. Lucky is available in a variety of colors. Corral them all and set your inner cowboy (or cowgirl) free. Time to get Lucky, yee haw!

The Royalty of the Sea

Whales are enormous, powerful, yet peaceful creatures that are the kings and queens of the ocean. They are hard to see because they like the deeper waters, but when you get the chance to spot one, the experience is remarkable.

A Horse Soaring Towards Greatness

A Small and Exquisite Fish

Although this fish is smaller than its cousins, Oranda is beautifully handcrafted to exude vitality. The fish also has many colors depending on the season and mood. Place this cute and adorable fish anywhere, and let the colors shine brightly amongst the waves of positive energy in your home.

For Your Unruly Paperwork

He might be a bit smaller than his cousin Billy, but this little Bull really knows how to throw his weight around! Give him a place at your desk and watch him go to work. He definitely knows how to tame that unruly paperwork and hold down his end of the bargain!

Gazing Up and Waiting for a Treat

This cute little buddy stares up at guests with loyal eyes just waiting to be pet. Although he has nowhere to go, Buddy is perfectly content on simply sitting by your side. He doesn't do many tricks, but he's a trusted companion and doesn't bark too much.

A Peaceful Colorful Fish

Catch a colorful piece of aquatic life and welcome this fish friend into your home! His colorful stripes mimic the waves in the ocean, and he comes in a variety of different shades for you to collect! Let him swim along the waves in your home. 

A Testament to Hard Work

A Peaceful Lamb Resting

This quiet and peaceful lamb is taking a moment to pause and rest. Lambs and other sheep are best known for their peaceful elegance and their serene demeanor. Use this lamb as a bowl at your next party or simply enjoy his company. 

A Glamorous Bird

Although you may know the famous Tweedy Bird, this one is more elegant. You don’t need to worry about your cat catching this bird because he is swift and on the move. He enjoys being fed treats and will be the delight of your guests. 

Ancient Joyful Sheep

The sheep has long been regarded by many cultures as the bringer of beauty and joy. Let your home radiate with joy from his cheerful and pleasant posture. This sheep comes in a variety of different colors depending on your mood. Collect them all!

Ready to Monkey Around?

Congrats! All those years of careful monkey management have finally paid off. It’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy the monkey. Which one will it be? Heck, order them both. After all, monkey is no problem for you! Revel in the whimsy of these colorful clowns of the jungle.

A Big Mouth Sea Gem

For Your Festivities

The dragon has long been seen as the symbol of ancient celebration. Whether it's the New Year or another holiday, with this gorgeous dragon available in two colors you can kick the party off right. He doesn’t breathe fire and is only here to party. 

A Sophisticated Bird

This sophisticated bird is ready to light up your life with its natural displays of elegance and beauty. Standing tall with perfect balance on its wiry legs, this heron is a true representation of the natural beauty that surrounds your life.

From the Deepest Oceans

Many have spent years trying to chase down this mighty whale. Although he can be rambunctious, Mobby is at peace. This glass piece is perfect for decorations or celebrations alike. Fill with treats, or simply gaze into his serene eyes as his ocean blue color captures the light.

A King in the Making

Our young Koongy is working hard on his gorilla gaze. He’s hoping to be an ape with attitude someday, like his mighty father Koong. Right now, however, he’s just ordinary. Don’t hurt his feelings, though; take this guy home and give him room to practice.

Seriously Adorable

Find Your Favourite!

An Adorable Farm Animal

Bring the cutest animal on the farm home with you. Known for its intelligence and playful attitude, this Oinky is decorated with colorful spots that look even better on sunny days. The best part? You won’t have to worry about him tracking in any mud. 

A Joyful Pig

Praised for bringing good luck to all those around it, pigs are one of the best companions to have. Porky is available in three different colors depending on your taste. Let him come stay with you and bring good luck to your home. 

A Colorful Bird of Life

This beautiful glass rooster is perfect for your breakfast nook or kitchen. Always ensure that you are using your time wisely as this bird will serve as a constant reminder. This rooster comes in a variety of different colors for you to collect.

Always Rise at the Break of Day

Do you have trouble waking up on time? The rooster has long been regarded for its punctuality and diligence. If you have a hard time sticking to your schedule, this rooster is sure to motivate you to awaken every morning to conquer the day. 

Complete the Fish Family

A Lovely Rat

This elegant rodent is known for his taste in sophisticated cheeses. He loves being the life of the party, and if you are gracious enough to let him hang out with you and your guests, you are sure to be delighted. 

The New King of Your Home

Mighty Koong, lord of the living room/den/office! Wherever you choose to put this handsome guy, he’s sure to be the center of attention. Be cautious though; his steady gaze will draw you in. The only way to break free is to let loose with a chuckle, a smile or a deep-down belly laugh! 

A Colorful Snouted Friend

Are you looking to add some eccentric, barnyard-friendly fun to your life? This piece is expertly crafted to provide a convenient and beautiful way to store your favorite flowers and plants. This gentle pig is well-behaved, although he might “oink” from time to time.  

A Helpful Bird

This gentle bird floats along the wavelengths of life. He has five different shades for you to collect. He can do more than just sit there, however. His wide opening allows you to store flowers or treats making him the perfect party companion. 

Trumpeting All Along the Way

Light Up Your Life with This Fluffy Bird

Some may call him fat— we think that his feathers are just a little fluffy. The built-in lamp lets you truly experience the wonderful stripes and colors of this bird's coat. He doesn't squawk much, and he surely won't fly away, perfectly happy wherever he rests.

The Gentle Farm Beast

Bulls are known for the strength but also for their gentle and easily-tamed demeanor. This bull is ready to carry whatever you need and is strong enough to carry even the heaviest objects. Fill him with flowers, plants, or simply let him take a rest. 

The Queen Fish

A Fishy Tongue Twister
Fast fish swish,
Glass fish swoosh,
Three fast glass fish swish and swoosh!
Try saying that three times quick!

Our happy trio of graceful Angel Fish is an eye-catching accent for any room. They are available in small, medium and queen sizes. Mix and match to your heart’s content.

Blowing in the Breeze

This tubby bunny is caught in motion with its ears blowing in the wind. He hops from place to place looking for the next snack. He’s full of life and is glowing with emotions. Let him hop into your life and enjoy the luck he brings. 

Zoom Zoom

A Small Cute Turtle

Let this tiny and cute turtle create the dimly lit mood at your next tea party! Although he is small, he has a large personality that literally lights up a room. Although a fan of tide pools, he is just as comfortable on land. 

A Real Quacker

Your new duck friend loves floating along creeks and rivers, although he will feel just as at home at your place. Crafted with outstanding shades of teal, coral, and amber, this mallard is the perfect addition to your family of animals. 

Puffed Up and Excited to See You

This puffer fish is a long way away from his home, and he’s still puffed up because of the shock. Don’t worry; he’ll be accustomed to your home in no time. This cute glass vase is great for storing a colorful plant that will match one of the three colors of Fugu.

Full of Ancient Wisdom

This piece is based on the ancient Shaman and tribal leaders from centuries ago. He contains magical powers and can cure just about anything. When placed in your home, you will experience good fortune and luck will surely smile down upon you. 

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