The Sign of Spirit and Vitality
In Western culture, the rat is seen as sneaky however in Chinese culture it is regarded as being witty and full of vitality. It is the first on the Chinese calendar and a highly sacred symbol. Bring the spirit of vitality into your home and celebrate your birth sign with this finely-crafted piece!
Say cheese!
Creation process

A Lovely Rat
It all starts with a simple sketch. From the artist’s mind to the chalk, an idea is born.
The Rat is a delicate and small creature. The artist begins shaping the piece with precise tools.
The artist uses gravity to help create the distinct shape. The animal begins to take form at this stage.
The head of Jagger is almost complete. Final shaping is the hot process gives the rat its cute nose.
The artist begins work on the body. This large and delicate globe requires care and precision.
Into the fire the body goes. The extreme temperatures of the hot process help the artist form and shape the body correctly.
Every detail matters. The artist begins adding new elements to the body. All combined, the part form a beautiful piece.
Each part cools off for the night. When the artist comes in the next day, they’ll begin assembling the creation.
This is not end yet!
Using precision cutters, the artist trims each piece. This ensures that they come together seamlessly in the assembly phase.
Even the small parts like claws need attention. Using delicate care, the artist works with these small components to shape them precisely.
The artist polishes every edge. With their attention to detail, each piece will come together in seamless unison.
Ready to be Yours!
Jagger's smaller sister
A Meek and Mild Mouse
This little guy is the perfect desk companion. Don’t worry; he won’t scurry away anytime soon. In fact, he’s perfect for holding down your most important documents and notes. Never lose a page ever again with this artfully-crafted, cute little mouse.
New 2019

Small in Size but Huge in Character
Zygi is a very perceptive creature. He moves very quietly, representing vitality in ancient culture. He is also an inquisitive and observant animal, with ears that can hear for miles. Wherever you choose to rest this animal, he'll bring vitality and youth for years to come.